Join us on Zoom to learn about energy efficiency improvements and clean heating and cooling technologies, such as air and ground source heat pumps. Our expert installers will be online to answer any questions. We will also discuss financing and incentives available!
HeatSmart Southern Tier is here to help you navigate through the process of making your home or business more comfortable, safer and efficient. By participating in this program, you are also helping Broome County and your municipality within become a Clean Energy Community and earn grant money and recognition for climate leadership, while building community-wide resiliency and economic opportunity. This event is a collaboration between Broom County, the Village of Endicott, the Town of Fenton, the Town of Union and the Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow (NEST).
Follow the link below for the Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 927 4464 0206
Hope to see you there!